пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.

hair dye highlights in BALLICO hair dye highlights BALLICO

hair dye highlights in BALLICO

hair dye highlights

hair dye highlights BALLICO

hair dye highlights in BALLICO.Strader also recommends that anyone trying to cover grey get the job done at a salon because grey is somewhat resistant to dye.
So, says nicholas digenova, creative director at an , you need the eye of a stylist for those sunkissed streaks.
Go to a salon for the most effective fix.
Who should do it at home?
Brunettes have it easier when it comes to hair dye, especially if they are only going a few shades lighter or darker.
Brunette or not, dying at home is safest when you are shifting just a few shades from your natural color.
What do you need to know before you jump in?
Read the directions carefully and use the conditioner that comes with the hair dye.
Word of warning: prepare yourself for a somewhat funky ammonia smell.
Which are the best athome hair dyes?
We bring you a slide show of the best, expertrecommended brands for drug store dye and a walletfriendly fix.
Click the first image to begin the slide show.

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