среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

carpet cleaning portable extractor::I was just trying to point out that high air flow speeds help clean vs the high water lift system that does not produce high air flow carpet cleaning portable extractor

carpet cleaning portable extractor carpet cleaning portable extractor::I was just trying to point out that high air flow speeds help clean vs the high water lift system that does not produce high air flow.
Now we can debate whats better for cgd and standard residential carpet, lets not.
I just want you to know high air flow seeps help agitate soil from surfaces and carpet fiber.
Its something to consider when buying a new system.
Note, high water lift works better on long thick dense commercial grade carpets then some extractors that has a low water lift reading.
If your doing a lot of residential carpet cleaning high air flow and good water lift should be considered.
Maybe the manufacturers can create a system what can be configured for bother types of carpets, i suggest a air flow configuration system.
The system will let you use the water lift setter for commercial carpets and another for residential carpets.

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